Author: makageorge
Sync with MIDI Clock and Transport
Using the Note Filter to create Combined instruments
New Release 1.1.0 – New Features for the Sequencer and Arpeggiator modules
I’ve just released a new version of the app. It includes a few fixes and some new features for both the Sequencer and Arpeggiator modules
– You can now select steps while playing both on the Sequencer and Arpeggiator modules, so you can edit steps on the fly while playing
– Added views for all step parameters on the Sequencer. Switch between: Note, Velocity, Length, Probability, PC, CC and Transport commands
– Add/Remove/Edit notes/commands on the fly while playing the Sequencer
– The Arpeggiator supports empty steps now (select the X between the -1 and 0 values), also you can long press on a step to mute it (on all patterns)
– The Arpeggiator now has a note length parameter (on the settings screen)
– The probability parameter on the sequencer wasn’t working
– Fixed some problems with long presses on different modules
Thanks! Roadmap and feedback…
Hi all! First I want to thank everyone who downloaded and tried the app. I hope you’re finding a use for it.
I’m very interested in any feedback you might have regarding your own use cases. I’m developing new features based on my own use of the app and things I find could make my own experience making live electronic performances better, but I understand each person has different needs and I’m open to ideas.
So, don’t hesitate to send me an email (the address is on the info screen of the app itself) and tell me your thoughts.
For now there are some things I want to develop which are basically to make the sequencer and arpeggiator modules more useful when they are playing. Right now it’s hard to edit notes unless they’re stopped. I also want to add a way to edit not just the note, but other parameters such as length, velocity and offset from the main screen. And the arpeggiator needs a length setting. Right now notes are only as long as the duration of the step, which is very limited.
Those are my first priorities but I have a long list of features I’ll be tackling one at a time….
That’s all for now. If you post a jam/song you made using the app in any way I’d also appreciate a link.
MIDI FX v1.0.12 Out now! Introducing The Switcher

There’s a new version of MIDI FX out on the App Store. It fixes a few bugs, especially one that made files using Vintage Piano unreadable.
It also adds a new module: The Switcher
It has one input and multiple outputs but it only sends the signal to the selected output (pointed by the knob). Tap on the knob to go to the next output.
With this module you can, for example, use a keyboard with different synths (one at a time) or create different processing chains and switch from one to the next on the fly.
You can also drag the control to select the output and on its settings menu select from 2 to 5 outputs.
And last but not least: Activate the “Capture PC Commands” option in the module settings and you can send a PC command to change the output. This way you can automate it depending on what pattern you’re playing on a sequencer, or use an external control such as a MIDI pedal. PC Command 0 goes to the next output while from 1 to 5 switches to that output.
Try it out on the Free version and buy the full app to be able to use multiple copies!
Sequencer Demo
Here’s a short demo and explanation of the Sequencer module…
iOS update to fix IAP purchase
Just a quick update for the iOS app that fixes the way it persisted the IAP purchase, which wasn’t working correctly and it requiered you to restore the purchase each time you opened the app.
After installing the latest update just restore purchases in the shop menu and it should be working fine.
Versión 1.0.9 out now
This update fixes a few small bugs and one important bug in the sequencer when adding PC commands…
MIDI FX is OUT! See it in action
My latest app, MIDI FX, is out now. Here you can see it in action.
Process MIDI notes and data from and to all your synths live, sequence notes or PC commands, filter notes to send them to different destinations, add delays, loopers, and much more! An essential tool for live playing with MIDI Synths. And if you use Synth apps on your iOS device, control them from MIDI FX and viceversa…